Friday, May 30, 2008

Model of the Year

It's Friday.

Class was quite empty. My 3 darlinggs all not in class. Class meetings went on as usual.

During lunch break, went to the 6 sigma talk with Sokky, Gabriel and Hafiz. Ziqi, Shima and Fion was already inside. So the four of us went to sit at the back rows. Soon, Peina came and joined us.

The talk has not commence yet. There's still people came streaming in. Suddenly, Gabriel shouted out 'Anthony' for a few times. I thought Anthony was his friend, so i helped by yelling the name for him. HAHA. Then gabriel was asking 'Why are you calling for Anthony' So i said 'I'm helping you to call your friend lahhs'. He told me to look to the projector screen. Guess what? Anthony was the speaker lahh!!!! -.-"" Damn.

Not long after, Gab fall asleep, followed by Hafiz, and then me. hahs. Sleeping can be contagious too? Woke up by the noises that gab made.

After we woke up, he took sokky's phone and started exploring. And soon he came snapping. lols.
Some of his doings;

The talk ended at 1.45pm!! After which, we headed over to W4 to eat chicken rice. And back to class.

After class ended, took cab with Jacky and Kokliang to CWP. Thereafter, trained home with jacky.


Introducing the Models of the Year

Its the models yet again.



Hafiz, Gabriel, Tinghui

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