Friday, May 23, 2008

A new learning enviroment

Lessons today was quite abit of difference apart from other days. Meeting 1 was held in classroom and thereafter, we shifted to the library where the IT helpdesk were :)

Had our breakfast at Cafe Galilee. Laughters filled the air whenever we are together. I can assure that ;P

Back for lessons and within no time, its breakout again.
Lunched with Felicia, Xinrou, Cheryl, Sokky and Gabriel. Together we combed the school compound :/

Headed to the Cafe at TRCC. Not much sumptuous looking food, so we headed back to E1 and finally W4. Saw Christopher Lee, Joanne Peh and Jessica Liu. The ones which i have met in Sentosa before. Technically, they have just finish shooting uh.

Gabriel treated us 2packet of fries and he himself bought 1 cheeseburger.
Though, he crap alot, go around disturbing people, overall he's nice la. He helped us to smuggle our food into the library by chatting and blocking the view of the librarian. His looks are extremely decent. But well, looks can be deceiving!

Gabriel went into the girls toilet. And something happen la.

I`ve got a new name!! Shermaine Hairy -.-
My buddies do have too.
Sally (xinrou), Molly (Bingling), Hairy (Myself). And together we are SMH.
Singapore Mental Hospital. 3 cheers for SMH!


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