Monday, March 23, 2009

Coldplay's Concert

Sexy Chris Martin!!!!!

Omg, cant imagine that i missed Coldplay's concert D:

My cousin is recounting to me how great it was. OMG, OMG. I can feel that the concert was totally mind-blowing. I thought it was even better that Mraz. Not that Mraz its not good of coz, its juz that their genre of songs are different. Coldplay's music are more upbeat and rockie! Easier for people to get high.

I lend her my camera, hopefully she captured some stunning moments and vids. Can't wait to seeee!


  1. my friend and she called me when viva la vida was sang... i didnt manage to pick up the call zomg im feeling so regretful man!!!

  2. i also really regret when my cousin recount to me!!! ahhh! nevermind, i think they will come again.
