I'm back after quite some time yeah. Things have been pretty hectic this week. Sept 26,27,28 spells Formula 1. Vrooom Vrooom!
And apparently, I'm invovle in it ;D
Lots of grievances to be said. But at the same time, I have been enjoying the company of my friends.
Be back for more updates on F1. Check it out soon will you?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese
Sunday spells work.. Borrredddom. But for the sake of money I persevere.
Change of location for work. Pearl Center @ Chinatown. Met up with Wenhui whom I havent seen for the longest time. Throughout the entire ride, we have been chatting about almost everything ;D
Waited vainly for Singtel van to be here. While waiting, we were slacking off at the coffee shop doing some catching up since the last time we met. We are all the Lucky Plaza peeps but Lucky Plaza have been cease for work for almost 1 month. To our disgust, we are interrupted by a horrendous auntie. She came forward and asked courteously 'Do you guys need any drinks?'
We replied a straight 'No'. 360 degrees change in her attitude. She said 'You all 'auto' abit when there is alot of customers hor' We just ignore her though. Not only that, she stalks us too. After we left, she came and shouted 'Like that one lah, sit already then go the chairs no need to push in one lah.' Whateverrrrr~
Desmond the co-ordinator called and claims that he lost his way. Boooo. Apparently, he's a biker, he drives and yet he lost his way. Anyway, went to our respective shopfront, fortunately my dealer was an auntie. She was nice and friendly. In fact, she even on HK dramas for me to watch. The sales there ain't fantastic so auntie have been busy persuading her regular to support her by buying the prepaid cards. The way she persuade it's hilarious! Thanks Desmond for the regular visit to my shopfront. It made my day less boringg. Majority of the customers there spoke dialects. Sadly, I'm utmost terrible in my dialects. So I just leave the job to auntie! :D
Bused home together with Wenhui.
Crashing in now, laters
Change of location for work. Pearl Center @ Chinatown. Met up with Wenhui whom I havent seen for the longest time. Throughout the entire ride, we have been chatting about almost everything ;D
Waited vainly for Singtel van to be here. While waiting, we were slacking off at the coffee shop doing some catching up since the last time we met. We are all the Lucky Plaza peeps but Lucky Plaza have been cease for work for almost 1 month. To our disgust, we are interrupted by a horrendous auntie. She came forward and asked courteously 'Do you guys need any drinks?'
We replied a straight 'No'. 360 degrees change in her attitude. She said 'You all 'auto' abit when there is alot of customers hor' We just ignore her though. Not only that, she stalks us too. After we left, she came and shouted 'Like that one lah, sit already then go the chairs no need to push in one lah.' Whateverrrrr~
Desmond the co-ordinator called and claims that he lost his way. Boooo. Apparently, he's a biker, he drives and yet he lost his way. Anyway, went to our respective shopfront, fortunately my dealer was an auntie. She was nice and friendly. In fact, she even on HK dramas for me to watch. The sales there ain't fantastic so auntie have been busy persuading her regular to support her by buying the prepaid cards. The way she persuade it's hilarious! Thanks Desmond for the regular visit to my shopfront. It made my day less boringg. Majority of the customers there spoke dialects. Sadly, I'm utmost terrible in my dialects. So I just leave the job to auntie! :D
Bused home together with Wenhui.
Crashing in now, laters
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Easy, Breezy, Saturday
Saturday is only the day which I could cuddle longer under the comfort of my sheets.
I took the rare opportunity by waking up only later in the morning.
Started my day off well with Gossip Girls. Whewww.
Proceeded with my daily dose of Jason Mraz and Jamie Scott. After which, pigging myself in front of the telly watching the recurring drama 'Golden Path'. I kept probing questions to my siblings 'what happen ah' 'why like that one'. Reason being, I don't usually watch Chl 8 dramas and I only watch 'em when I'm sitting around doing nothing. Dramas like Gossip Girls, Prison Break, Heroes captures my attention significantly.
Ultimately, my easy, breezy, Saturday was all about Gossip Girls, Jason Mraz and Jamie Scott.
And I'm enjoying every moment of them xD
I lovvveee my Saturday.
I took the rare opportunity by waking up only later in the morning.
Started my day off well with Gossip Girls. Whewww.
Proceeded with my daily dose of Jason Mraz and Jamie Scott. After which, pigging myself in front of the telly watching the recurring drama 'Golden Path'. I kept probing questions to my siblings 'what happen ah' 'why like that one'. Reason being, I don't usually watch Chl 8 dramas and I only watch 'em when I'm sitting around doing nothing. Dramas like Gossip Girls, Prison Break, Heroes captures my attention significantly.
Ultimately, my easy, breezy, Saturday was all about Gossip Girls, Jason Mraz and Jamie Scott.
And I'm enjoying every moment of them xD
I lovvveee my Saturday.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hello, Yes?
suppose to be working my lungs off at work, but thankfully, I've got the opportunity to cancel my work due to Chocz meeting. Yayness for that. In return to that, the meeting lasted for almost 5 hours! Gee, my buttocks defitnitely had been pleading for me to get up. Naturally, had a few toilet visits to ease the numbness of the buttocks.
Not attentive throughout the entire meeting tho. Cant blame. Coz statistics have shown that a human can't concentrate for more than an hour or so? Correct me if I'm wrong. Subsequently, half of the time I was listening and the other half was busy crapping and some snapping to reduce my boredom.
Kokliang have become tanner and slimmer from all the swimming. By all means, he's getting hotter.
After meeting, down to Lucky Plaza to get some prepaid cards. Jacky need 'em. While waiting, Xinrou and I went to get some bubble tea. I was never into bubble tea but some how I got addicted to Green Apple Green Tea and now, Mango Green Tea. Superb.
Since it's Jacky birthday, we allow him to make the decision where to have dinner. And he choosen, KFC. haha. Hence, down to FarEast to have our hearty meal. Linger around town till 10pm and back to home. We are fantastic kids, home early to prepare for school the following day.
Sayonara sweet peeps.
suppose to be working my lungs off at work, but thankfully, I've got the opportunity to cancel my work due to Chocz meeting. Yayness for that. In return to that, the meeting lasted for almost 5 hours! Gee, my buttocks defitnitely had been pleading for me to get up. Naturally, had a few toilet visits to ease the numbness of the buttocks.
Not attentive throughout the entire meeting tho. Cant blame. Coz statistics have shown that a human can't concentrate for more than an hour or so? Correct me if I'm wrong. Subsequently, half of the time I was listening and the other half was busy crapping and some snapping to reduce my boredom.
Kokliang have become tanner and slimmer from all the swimming. By all means, he's getting hotter.
After meeting, down to Lucky Plaza to get some prepaid cards. Jacky need 'em. While waiting, Xinrou and I went to get some bubble tea. I was never into bubble tea but some how I got addicted to Green Apple Green Tea and now, Mango Green Tea. Superb.
Since it's Jacky birthday, we allow him to make the decision where to have dinner. And he choosen, KFC. haha. Hence, down to FarEast to have our hearty meal. Linger around town till 10pm and back to home. We are fantastic kids, home early to prepare for school the following day.
Sayonara sweet peeps.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Random Post
2 weeks of harvesting classes has come to an end. Way to go~
I'm gonna hang on fine.
Well honestly, I do miss... His songs makes your hips swayyy.
She bangs, she bangs.
Oh babby.
When she moves, she moves
I go crazy
'Cause she looks like a flower but she stings like a bee
Like every girl in history
She bangs, she bangs
Come to think of it, the cover for She Bang sang by William Hung, seriously cannot make it. As what Felicia likes to say 'Buang ah' In terms of looks and vocals, William Hung totally buang. Something commendable is his courage `round of applause please
My daily dosage of Jason Mraz! I chance upon a funny cover 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz when I was browsing through Mraz videos on Youtube. It was in fact hysterical! Weeee. I wonder why Mraz is always with a hat. I think its probably due to his curly hair.
Cozzz.. Here's a video of Mraz singing 'Geek In The Pink' without his hat. Practically, he's hair is shorter during his 2005 days so no hats. He totally look like a little boy with his short hair. Haha. Enjoy! Though I believe most of you wont view. But it's alright. Just chill :D
I'm gonna hang on fine.
Well honestly, I do miss... His songs makes your hips swayyy.
She bangs, she bangs.
Oh babby.
When she moves, she moves
I go crazy
'Cause she looks like a flower but she stings like a bee
Like every girl in history
She bangs, she bangs
Come to think of it, the cover for She Bang sang by William Hung, seriously cannot make it. As what Felicia likes to say 'Buang ah' In terms of looks and vocals, William Hung totally buang. Something commendable is his courage `round of applause please
My daily dosage of Jason Mraz! I chance upon a funny cover 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz when I was browsing through Mraz videos on Youtube. It was in fact hysterical! Weeee. I wonder why Mraz is always with a hat. I think its probably due to his curly hair.
Cozzz.. Here's a video of Mraz singing 'Geek In The Pink' without his hat. Practically, he's hair is shorter during his 2005 days so no hats. He totally look like a little boy with his short hair. Haha. Enjoy! Though I believe most of you wont view. But it's alright. Just chill :D
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Truly Captivated
My violin teacher sms-ed and said that she has 2 complimentary tickets to the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO) Concert at Esplanade from her violin instrutor. Since it's free, why not go and have a look ya?
So after classes, I waited for my sista to end her FYP meeting before going to Esplanade to get the tickets from my violin teacher's, teacher. And not to forget, I sincerely wanna thank Genevieve for accompanying me all the way till my sister is done. Yay.
Tadah, reached Esplanade. I waited for my violin teacher, teacher to pass me the tickets at the box office. Frankly, I have no idea who he was and how he look like. But I knew that he was performing for the night. Theoretically, I approached the guy with the concert attire. And yes, it was him alright.
Wow wow wow. Needless to say the concert hall was magnificent. Didn't manage to take a picture tho. I was told off by the usher right at the moment I took out my mobile phone to snap. 'Sorry, no photography is allowed in here' blah blah and more blah. But I secretly took one. Shhhhh. Tell no one. Here it is.
Our seating was marvellous, RowB. We could clearly see the nostrils of the musicians. Not all of coz, just the first few rows of musicians. And right in front of us on the stage was my violin teacher's teacher. Thats explain why are seats were there right?
Most of the auduience were Caucasians! My fetishhhhh! Gaaaah. But surprisly, quite a number of China peeps were there too. Attributable to the violin soloist I believe. Coz apparently, he's from China. They are here to support him! And the wind instruments are mostly played by caucasians.
It was a brilliant performance ;D
Friday, September 12, 2008
Keeping Up With The Jones.
School has been fine so far. Good gracious! Classmates have been pretty friendly too.
After class, had a short F1 committee members meeting. Apparently, Diona and myself have not been concentrating and contributing towards the meeting. All the while, we have been messing around. Right Diona? I just simply love to disturb herr ;P
Just my luck, 3 of my shoes are ruined. Desperate for shoes, asked Diona to accompany to town and she agreed to it readily. After the meeting, went Causeway to accompany Sokky to eat. Afterwhich, off to town yo. Without doubt, we spend alot in just a few hours. Weeeee. Kudos for us. I bought 2 pairs of shoes at one go. Phew.
But we really did enjoyed our shopping didn't we? Ohyea, I have a hard time laughing on the train too. I bet the people around that cabin thought I was a maniac.
School has been fine so far. Good gracious! Classmates have been pretty friendly too.
After class, had a short F1 committee members meeting. Apparently, Diona and myself have not been concentrating and contributing towards the meeting. All the while, we have been messing around. Right Diona? I just simply love to disturb herr ;P
Just my luck, 3 of my shoes are ruined. Desperate for shoes, asked Diona to accompany to town and she agreed to it readily. After the meeting, went Causeway to accompany Sokky to eat. Afterwhich, off to town yo. Without doubt, we spend alot in just a few hours. Weeeee. Kudos for us. I bought 2 pairs of shoes at one go. Phew.
But we really did enjoyed our shopping didn't we? Ohyea, I have a hard time laughing on the train too. I bet the people around that cabin thought I was a maniac.
Random. Just to add visuals to the post.
`you know who <3
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Xinrourourou Burfday
Heyy wassup? Its my effing crap friend, DDDiona's birthday.

Its the arty-farty birthday card.
Done by: felicia
Met up with Jacky at Plaza Singapura to get Diona a birthday present. Initiated to walk all the way down to Cine to meet up with the ladies for dinner. On the way, it started to drizzle. Seriously, I hate it when the raindrops starts to fall on my head. It simple just screw my hair laterr on. Thank goodness, it was only a short distance left to walk so literally we slow jog all the way to Cine. Dine at Billy Bombers. Initially wanted to give Diona a surprise as she have no idea that we are going to the dinner. But well, plan failed. She's not so surprised after all.
Placed our orders right after we sat down. After our hearty meal, the waitress brought out the cake we ordered. Sang Diona a Happy Birthday tune. The tune started off loud and clear but soon nearing to the end, it started to fade off. Its has always been the case yea?
Feeling dead tired after a long day at work hence, I went back home. Leaving the ladies to have a drink at 'The Balcony'. I bet they rock the place down.
Peace folks~

Its the arty-farty birthday card.
Done by: felicia
Met up with Jacky at Plaza Singapura to get Diona a birthday present. Initiated to walk all the way down to Cine to meet up with the ladies for dinner. On the way, it started to drizzle. Seriously, I hate it when the raindrops starts to fall on my head. It simple just screw my hair laterr on. Thank goodness, it was only a short distance left to walk so literally we slow jog all the way to Cine. Dine at Billy Bombers. Initially wanted to give Diona a surprise as she have no idea that we are going to the dinner. But well, plan failed. She's not so surprised after all.
Placed our orders right after we sat down. After our hearty meal, the waitress brought out the cake we ordered. Sang Diona a Happy Birthday tune. The tune started off loud and clear but soon nearing to the end, it started to fade off. Its has always been the case yea?
Feeling dead tired after a long day at work hence, I went back home. Leaving the ladies to have a drink at 'The Balcony'. I bet they rock the place down.
Peace folks~
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